Many years ago -5000 years, to be precise – Vedic astrology emerged in the Indian subcontinent. It is a very sophisticated system that uses the positions of the stars and planets in the sky at the time of birth to make predictions about a person’s personality and life events. But despite its antiquity and the vast knowledge it contains, there are some misunderstandings about it. This article explores some of these myths about Vedic astrology and tries to clear the air about this ancient science.
Myth #1: Vedic astrology is identical to Western astrology.
Vedic and Western astrology have many differences, though both are based on the positions of the planets and stars. Vedic astrology uses the sidereal zodiac. This is based on the actual placements of the stars and planets in the sky. But Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac, which is based on the seasons. So they may give rise to different interpretations and predictions.
Myth #2: Vedic astrology is applicable only to Hindus.
It is true that Vedic astrology too birth in India and has a close association with Hinduism. But it is relevant for non-Hindus as well. People from different cultures and religions can use Vedic astrology. It enables personal growth and promotes self-discovery. People can gain more self-awareness and also make wise decisions using this ancient system.
Myth #3: Vedic astrology is fatalistic.
Many people feel that Vedic astrology is fatalistic and deterministic. This means that one’s fate is predetermined, and one cannot change it. This is a very common misconception about Vedic astrology. But it is not true. Vedic astrology reveals the energies that are present in a person’s life, but they can decide how to apply this knowledge. Our decisions can impact our lives, and Vedic astrology helps us to make good choices.
Myth #4: Vedic astrology deals with predictions about the future only.
Another common myth is that Vedic astrology is only about future predictions. Vedic astrology does offer predictions about future events, but its main purpose is to guide a person on their life journey and to help them make spiritual progress by understanding their karmic legacy. It also helps us to gain self-awareness. It enables personal growth and self-discovery.
Myth #5: Vedic astrology has nothing to do with science.
Vedic astrology has its foundations in science. It involves mathematics and astronomy, besides ancient Vedic texts. Vedic birth charts give us a lot of information about our personality, strengths, and weaknesses solely based only on the positions of the planets and the stars. But it is not a traditional science as the Western world defines it.
Myth #6: Vedic astrology is a religion.
Some assume that Vedic astrology is a religion. But this is a fallacy. The roots of Vedic astrology lie in Hinduism, but it is not a religion. People of any religion can use Vedic astrology as a divination tool. It accommodates all worldviews because it has no connection to any particular religion or spiritual practice.
Myth #7: Vedic astrology is only for making marriage and career predictions.
The uses of Vedic astrology are quite varied. People seek predictions not only about their marriage and career but also about other aspects of life, like finances, health, relationships, progeny, and spirituality. Vedic astrology enables us to make the right decisions in life by revealing the opportunities and obstacles that we are likely to face.
Myth #8: Vedic astrology is only for rich people.
Vedic astrology readings can be expensive, depending on the astrologer’s experience and expertise. But people with modest means can also get the readings. Many online websites and printed resources can teach you the basics of Vedic astrology and show you how to make use of it. There are also many Vedic astrologers who offer reasonably priced services.
Myth #9: Vedic astrology is mere superstition.
Rationalists have attacked Vedic astrology, saying that it lacks a scientific foundation and promotes superstition. But Vedic astrology’s accuracy has been proven in many cases. It is also based on mathematical and astronomical principles. In the pre-modern era, there was no clear distinction between astrology and astronomy in most cultures. The two disciplines were, in fact, clubbed together. In ancient Babylonia, which was famous for its astrology, the same person played the roles of astronomer (one who predicted celestial phenomena) and astrologer (one who interpreted celestial events).
Myth #10: Vedic astrology is quite easy to learn.
People assume that Vedic astrology is easy to learn and that anyone can acquire expertise in it quickly. But Vedic astrology is a very intricate subject. It takes many years of study and practice for someone to become an expert in it. Learning the basics of Vedic astrology may be easy, but attaining mastery in this field involves a sizeable investment of time and effort.
To conclude, Vedic astrology is a powerful tool for personal growth. But the myths and misconceptions that surround it have prevented many people from understanding it properly. Vedic astrology can throw light on our abilities and limitations, the true purpose of our life, and potential obstacles. It has worked wonders for many people over thousands of years and helped transform their lives. Every human being on earth is born with a karmic legacy. Only when we learn to decode it can we make progress and achieve happiness in this life. And this is possible only with the help of Vedic astrology.