Nava Durga Homam is an auspicious Homam performed to appease 9 forms of Goddess Durga. It can remove negativities, uncontrolled emotions, attract love and affection, and protect one from the evil effects of sins in present and past lives.
Goddess Durga combines Masculine Power and Feminine Cosmic Force. She is an avatar of Goddess Parvati (Shakti) who governs the entire universe. This powerful Homam invokes the 9 divine energies of Durga. It removes fear, eliminates Doshas, improves marital bonding, creates happiness, and bestows health, wealth and prosperity.
As per Durga Pooja vidhanam, there are 9 unique forms of Durga who bless devotees with various boons and gifts. They are described below.
Jatavedo Durga- She represents fire, especially the fire in which deities are invoked or the fire which resides in the Homa Kunda that is used in spiritual practices. This Durga put out the fire that emerged from Shiva’s eye to burn Kama (Cupid) when he tried to arouse love in the meditating Shiva’s heart. The fire could not be extinguished and began to destroy Earth. It was Jatavedo Durga who carried the fire and dropped it in the Ganges river, says mythology.
Shanthi Durga- Peace is what kings, soldiers, ascetics and even animals desire. This Durga helped Shiva attain peace when he was in rage after his wife Sati died. Her death led to the creation of Shakti Peeth (Powerspots of Goddess). She bestows boons like relief from debts and freedom from physical and mental ailments.
Shoolini Durga- She accompanied Sharabheshwara when he tried to remove the ignorance of Narasimha. She holds a powerful Trident (Trishul) and is therefore called Shoolini Durga. She protects her devotees from negative and evil forces.
Shabari Durga- When Shiva assumed the form of a hunter, Goddess Shabari Durga took the form of a huntress and accompanied him. She holds a bow and arrow. In Kiratarjuniya, Shabari Durga hints to Arjuna that he should win over Shiva to get the ultimate weapon, Pashupatastra. Shabari Durga rescues devotees from difficult times.
Lavana Durga- She helped to kill a demon called Lavanasura, and hence the name. People worship her to get relief from earthly problems like misunderstandings, sorrow, and confusion.
Asuri Durga- She is a very ferocious form of Durga. She has a red hue, and wears red garments. She helps her devotees by destroying their enemies completely and nullifying all kinds of negative energy.
Deepa Durga- She dwells in the “light” (deepam), and hence the name. Deepa Durga’s devotees are mainly saints and ascetics. She helps one to attain clarity and enlightenment.
Vana Durga- She dwells in forests (Vanam), hence the name, Vana Durga. Just like Vishnu Durga, she holds a Shankh (conch) and Chakra (discus). She gives protection from natural calamities.
Jwala Durga- She is in the form of a mighty flame (Jwala). She created a barrier of fire which was tremendous, to ward off a demon called Bandasura. She has the support of Vishnu in this form and plays the role of a weapon (Astra) for her worshippers.
When is Navadurga Homam Performed?
This Homam is usually performed during Navratri, a nine-day festival celebrated by Hindus to honor the Divine Mother, Shakti. Each day of the festival honors a form of Durga. By performing Navadurga Homam, one can gain many blessings and boons from the Goddess.
The nine forms of Durga who are worshipped during Navratri are Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidatri.
The Homam can remove obstacles in life and bring success, happiness, and prosperity.
Significance of Navadurga Homam
Navadurga Homam honors the 9 forms of Durga, who signifies the different aspects of feminine energy. Each form of the goddess represents a particular trait or quality that devotees wish to cultivate.
For instance, Shailaputri symbolizes purity and stability, Brahmacharini represents wisdom and knowledge, Katyayani signifies courage and strength, and Kalaratri signifies courage and determination. Devotees perform the Navadurga Homam to invoke the Goddess’ blessings so that they can cultivate these qualities and attain perfection.
How is Navadurga Homam Performed?
The Navadurga Homam is performed by trained priests who are experts in Vedic rituals. The Homam is performed in a fire pit, which is purified and consecrated before the ritual. The priest then recites various Mantras and offers oblations to the 9 forms of Durga in the sacrificial fire.
Honey, ghee, herbs, and other materials dear to the goddesses are the offerings. Devotees offer prayers and seek the goddesses’ blessings by chanting Mantras and performing Aarti.
Blessings of Navadurga Homam
Navadurga Homam is one of the most powerful homams that is performed for the welfare of the family. It can cleanse all negative energies in the home and remove obstacles from one’s life.
The main reason for performing Navadurga Homam is to gain freedom from mental tensions, physical ailments, and disputes in the family. The Homam also helps to bring wealth and prosperity. It can bestow good health, peace of mind, happiness and prosperity. The Homam is performed on Poornima or full moon day during Navratri.
Benefits of Navadurga Homam
· Bestows Self-consciousness
· Gets rid of Negativities
· Bestows will power and self-confidence
· Protects from evil eye
· Brings marital bliss and resolves domestic conflicts
· Removes fear of enemies
· Bestows spiritual energy
· Brings wealth and abundance and removes poverty
· Helps one overcome fatigue and depression
· Bestows good health and mental peace